Can I change trend evaluations?

As a manager with admin rights for a Trend radar, you are entitled to change the trend evaluations. This could make good sense, for example, if you realise after deeper discussions and analysis that one or several trends have a different potential than previously thought or that your company’s competences regarding the trend are different to the original assessment.

  • To do so, you can go to the Trend radar view to open the Triple Dot menu to the right of the Trend radar to change the Trend radar in the edit mode.
  • You enter the familiar Trend radar creation process.
  • Go directly to step 4 “Finalisation” and select the trend from the trend list that you wish to edit first.
  • You enter the trend view. Click on “Change” to adjust the trend’s potential, degree of maturity or competence.
  • Your revision overrules the average evaluation of the participants. You can reverse this at any time.

Once you have made your changes to the trend evaluations, you can return to the overview and update the Trend radar. In the trend list, you will see from the symbol in the list that an overruling of the evaluation panel has been made.