Relevance evaluation in the Trend Café

In the innovation process, the question as to the effect and significance of change phenomena plays a key role. After all, it is not just a matter of detecting the first signals of change, but of classifying them according to their relevance to one’s business and market environment. In a Trend Café, you get to discuss the latest macro-trends with your colleagues and analyse what influence they have on your company or business area.

Based on the “world café” concept, the trend café method is a highly pragmatic opportunity to assess the degree of influence and relevance of macro-trends in a workshop format.

This method helps to bring different opinions together quickly and, with the help of a few questions, discuss and evaluate the impact on people, the industry and the company.

The logic behind the Trend Café:
“How should I know what I think before I hear myself say it?”

Aim: Evaluation of macro-trends with regard to degree of influence and relevance
Material: Tables (best of all round high tables), pens, post-its, pinboards
Participants: Colleagues from different parts of the company


  1. Look for 5-7 macro-trends that inspired you or made you think when you read them. To do so, you could use the industry filter in the Trend finder.
  2. Think of three questions that focus on different effects of the trends, such as:
    o How does the trend influence my private life?
    o How does the trend influence my industry?
    o How does the trend influence my company (business model, sales structure, ways of working, etc.)?
  3. Prepare the pinboards by clearly writing the three questions on them. There is one pinboard for each table.
  4. One macro-trend is discussed per table.
  5. For each table, choose one leader who knows a lot about the trend in question and can lead the discussion.
  6. Invite participants from different parts of your company to get as many points of view as possible. An ideal group size is three to five participants per table.
  7. Decide on a timeframe for each discussion round. 15 minutes are usually enough, otherwise points get repeated (“Everything has already been said, but not yet by everyone”).

Procedure for a Trend Café

  1. The leader explains the procedure to the group and briefly presents the macro-trend.
  2. The participants then discuss the three questions – five minutes per question.
  3. The most important aspects, evaluations and initial ideas are noted on post-its. The post-its for each question are stuck on the pinboard.
  4. After 15 minutes, the participants rotate to the next table. The leader remains at the table, summarises the previous discussion for the next participants and then begins the next session.
  5. When all the trends have been discussed by all the participants, each leader draws up a summary based on the pinboards and explains how the degree of influence and relevance of the respective macro-trends were evaluated overall.

The Trend Café has already proved to be a very effective method for use in our Trend Sessions. Try it out for yourself!

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