What are macro-trends?

Macro-trends are specific variations of mega-trends. They describe partial trends that feature a different degree of effectiveness.

While mega-trends describe global changes in general terms, macro-trends offer concrete findings on the different variations of change. Macro-trends describe the developments that can be proven with the help of concrete innovations – the micro-trends.

The Trendmanager enables you to evaluate which macro-trends are of strategic relevance to your own company and have most influence on the market and its surroundings. It is possible to evaluate the macro-trends for your company or business area in the Trendmanager. The interactive Trend radar provides an overview of the relevant trends and offers orientation. It also shows the emerging topics that you need to monitor.

The details pages for the macro-trends offer you wide-ranging possibilities for working with the trends and keeping all the staff at the same level of knowledge. The “Our assessment” section explains the evaluation of the trends in the context of the Trend radar.

The contribution feature lets you add further information on the macro-trend, such as statistics or sources, as well as the potential opportunities and risks that the trend poses to your business area.

You can interact with other users by responding to someone else’s contribution, and together you can develop a better understanding of the trend’s relevance and the options for action.

You will also find background knowledge and insights on all macro trends from TRENDONE, which will make it easier for you to analyze and understand various topics. Drivers show external circumstances that reinforce the trend. Challenges & Opportunities for selected industries support the interpretation of the trend for your own business. Similar macro trends show which developments you should also keep an eye on.

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